 CAI Qihua,ZHU Yuchun.The Influence of Relational Networks on Farmers’ Participation in Village Collective Action: Based on Farmers’ Participation in the Investment of Small Irrigation System[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2017,17(01):108-118.





The Influence of Relational Networks on Farmers’ Participation in Village Collective Action: Based on Farmers’ Participation in the Investment of Small Irrigation System
蔡起华 朱玉春
西北农林科技大学 经济管理学院, 陕西 杨凌 712100
CAI Qihua ZHU Yuchun
Clarifying the logic of farmers’ participation in the village collective action has important theoretical and practical significance to enhancing the effect of rural public affairs governance. Based on farmers’ participation in the investment of small irrigation system and using a sample of 1 440 household data in the three provinces of Ningxia, Shaanxi, and Henan in rural China, this paper used Heckman sample selection model to analyze the effect of relational networks on farmers’ participation in village collective action. The results showed that, the choice of farmers’ participation in village collective action has a low level, but the degree of farmers’ participation in village collective action has a high level. Relational networks have significant positive influence on both willingness and degree of farmers’ participation in village collective action. In the segmentation dimensions, weak ties have significant positive influence on both willingness and degree of farmers’ participation in village collective action, and strong ties have significant positive influence on the willingness of farmers’ participation in village collective action, but have insignificant positive influence on the degree of farmers’ participation in village collective action. The marginal effect showed that, the marginal effect of relational networks is obvious, and in enhancing the willingness of farmers’ participation in village collective action, the marginal effect of strong ties is bigger than the marginal effect of weak ties, but in enhancing the degree of farmers’ participation in village collective action, the marginal effect of weak ties is much bigger than the marginal effect of strong ties.


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