 XU Tao,ZHAO Minjuan,QIAO Dan.Ecological System Restoration Benefits Evaluation of the Continental River System in Northwestern China: Based on the Heihe River Basin[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2018,18(04):127-136.





Ecological System Restoration Benefits Evaluation of the Continental River System in Northwestern China: Based on the Heihe River Basin
徐涛 赵敏娟 乔丹
西北农林科技大学 经济管理学院/应用经济研究中心, 陕西 杨凌 712100
XU Tao ZHAO Minjuan QIAO Dan
Taking the Heihe River Basin as an example, this paper described the selection process of indicators and the questionnaire design to evaluate the ecological system restoration benefits of the continental river system by using the experiment method choosed, and the RPL model was used to estimate the utility function. Results showed that:Residents want to take some protection and restoration measures to improve the ecological environment, but there are some differences between the urban and rural residents’ choice preferences. The urban residents prefer river water quality, the area of the East Juyan Lake and the recreational conditions, while the rural residents only have a strong preference on the river water quality and farmland irrigation protection rate. If the ecological restoration measures are taken in the Heihe River Basin, so that the ecological indicators reach the optimal state, then the average annual willingness to pay for the urban residents, rural residents and the total sample are 495.012 yuan, 277. 319 yuan, and 391.212 yuan respectively, the estimated total ecological system restoration benefits are estimated to be 247.9 million yuan according to the total sample, higher than the calculated value of the urban and rural areas estimated at 231.8 billion yuan.


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