 WANG Bo,WAN Jingjing,ZHU Yuchun.Institutional Capacity, Cooperation Level and Supply of Irrigation System: Analysis Based on the Survey Data of 6 Provinces in Yellow River Irrigation Area[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2020,20(06):157-168.





Institutional Capacity, Cooperation Level and Supply of Irrigation System: Analysis Based on the Survey Data of 6 Provinces in Yellow River Irrigation Area
王博1 万晶晶2 朱玉春3
1. 兰州大学 县域经济发展研究院, 甘肃 兰州 730030;
2. 华中农业大学 经济管理学院, 湖北 武汉 430070;
3. 西北农林科技大学 经济管理学院, 陕西 杨凌 712100
WANG Bo1 WAN Jingjing2 ZHU Yuchun3
Institutional CapacityLevel of CooperationAgricultural Irrigation SystemDouble Hurdle Model
This study explains the mechanism of the village institutional capacity and the level of cooperation within the irrigation organization on the irrigation system supply. Using the data of 883 households in 6 provinces of the Yellow River irrigation area, the paper empirically tested the effects of institutional capacity and cooperation level on farmland irrigation system supplied by farmers and its action path. The empirical results show that the three levels of institutional capacity factors of knowledge resources, relational resources and mobilization capacity in the field of village space have a significant positive impact on the willingness and degree of farmers to participate in the supply of irrigation systems. The level of vertical cooperation and horizontal cooperation within the irrigation organization has a significant positive impact on the willingness and degree of farmers to participate in the supply of irrigation systems. The study further confirms that the cooperation level between the institutional capacity and the supply of irrigation system has a regulatory effect. The higher the level of cooperation, the stronger the effect of the institutional capacity on the supply of irrigation system. Based on the conclusion of the study, the author puts forward some measures such as attaching importance to the village institutional capacity and strengthening the awareness of cooperation within the irrigation organization to improve the supply of irrigation system.


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