 GENG Songtao,ZHANG Shenyang.On Rural Tourism and Cultural Industry Coordinated Development under the Background of Rural Revitalization[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2021,21(02):44-52.





On Rural Tourism and Cultural Industry Coordinated Development under the Background of Rural Revitalization
耿松涛12 张伸阳1
1. 海南大学 旅游学院, 海南 海口 570228;
2. 新疆财经大学 旅游学院, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830012
GENG Songtao12 ZHANG Shenyang1
Culture and Tourism IntegrationRural RevitalizationPoverty Alleviation by TourismCultural Industry
The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the task of poverty alleviation and the strategy of rural revitalization. At the critical moment of rural revitalization and tourism poverty alleviation, how to make use of the advantages of cultural resources, develop characteristic industries, and achieve the goal of strong agriculture, beautiful rural areas, and rich farmers are all crucial issues. In the current development of rural tourism, we need to re-examine cultural elements, organically unify the theme image, industrial development and product supply, and create a differentiated and characteristic rural cultural tourism development model as the goal. Taking Hainan as a case study, the article put forward the process of symbolizing and stag-presenting cultural resources in the development of rural tourism. Through the analysis of the multi-agent cooperation model led by the government, it points out the important role of cultural industry development in the development of rural tourism. And under the background of the transformation of tourism demand, the article discussed how to free rural tourism products from a single agricultural landscape gaze, and move towards a complex supply of cultural leisure holiday products. It is concluded that in the rural revitalization and the coordinated development of cultural industries, we should pay attention to the symbolization and stage-presentation of culture, the brand-creation and image-building of villages, the diversification and refinement of product formats, and many other aspects; at the same time, it is necessary to realize the benefits of villagers from tourism development and ensure the sustainable development of the tourism industry.


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