 LI Jiangyi,QIU Tongwei,LI Han.Identifying the Mechanism by which Land Titling Affects Farm Households’ Income: Evidence from China Household Finance Survey[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2021,21(04):103-116.





Identifying the Mechanism by which Land Titling Affects Farm Households’ Income: Evidence from China Household Finance Survey
李江一1 仇童伟2 李涵3
1. 四川大学 经济学院, 四川 成都 610065;
2. 华南农业大学 经济管理学院, 广东 广州 510642;
3. 西南财经大学 经济管理研究院, 四川 成都 610074
LI Jiangyi1 QIU Tongwei2 LI Han3
Land TitlingFarm Households’ IncomeFactor AllocationDifference-in-difference
This paper uses data from the China Household Finance Survey in 2013 and 2015, and takes the new round of land titling as a quasi-natural experiment to identify the impact of land titling on farm households’ income with employing the difference-in-difference method. The results show that land titling significantly increases farm households’ income, which is the result of the increase in agricultural income, non-agricultural income and land rent. Further analysis indicates that land titling can not only increase agricultural income by encouraging farm households to invest in agriculture, but can also increase non-agricultural income and land rent by inducing off-farm employment and land renting-out. This paper emphasizes that as an important means of land empowerment, land titling will significantly improve the economic benefits of farmers while strengthening the free allocation of production factors. It should be noted that land titling must be complemented with the cultivation of factor market, the standardization of employment market and the construction of financing market to enable it to play the role of optimizing resource allocation.


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