 XIE Zhiju,LI Minglin.Global Support and Holistic Governance from the Perspective of Common Prosperity: An Explanatory Framework for Stationing in Town for Support of Villages[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2022,22(06):112-123.





Global Support and Holistic Governance from the Perspective of Common Prosperity: An Explanatory Framework for Stationing in Town for Support of Villages
谢治菊 黎明霖
广州大学 公共管理学院, 广东 广州 510006
XIE Zhiju LI Minglin
Poverty EradicationRural RevitalizationStationing in Town for Support of VillagesHolistic GovernanceCommon Prosperity
Stationing in town for the support of villages is a global assistance model based on holistic governance concept. It relies on the overall logic of "project-based operation, embedded support, integrated integration and cross-interface packaging". By shifting the support resources from rural areas to townships, the support ideas, support relationships, support organizations and support contents are innovated to achieve holistic support. However, the paradox between global policy design and extensive operation mode, the contradiction between suspended support practice and expected support needs, and the imbalance between altruistic support motivation and self-interest support behavior are worthy of further discussion. On the basis of perfecting the system specification, optimizing the system design, clarifying the responsibility and authority, and strengthening the assessment and supervision, it is necessary to further deal with the point-to-surface relationship between helping the town in support of the village and coordinating the county for the aid of households, the lower and upper relationship between cohesion and exertion of advantages, and the internal and external relationship between self-hematopoietic and external assistance, so that the future assistance work can truly promote coordinated development and common development.


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