 ZHU Changning,LU Qingyao.An Empirical Study on the Impact of Rural Tourism Development on Peasant Households’ Income: Based on the PSM-DID Method[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2023,23(03):155-167.





An Empirical Study on the Impact of Rural Tourism Development on Peasant Households’ Income: Based on the PSM-DID Method
朱长宁1 鲁庆尧2
1. 金陵科技学院 商学院, 南京 211169;
2. 淮阴师范学院 经济与管理学院, 淮安 223001
ZHU Changning1 LU Qingyao2
Rural TourismFarmers’ IncomePSM-DID Method
This paper uses the survey data of peasant households in the rural tourism area of Xuyi County, Jiangsu Province, and uses the matching double-difference method to evaluate the impact of the development of rural tourism on the income of peasant households. The research results show that: based on the data in 2015 and 2020, the three methods of DID model, PSM model and PSM-DID model are used to estimate the results, which show that participating in the rural tourism industry has a significant increasing effect on the total income, wage income and business income of peasant households. The increase in wage income of peasant households participating in rural tourism industry is significantly higher than their business income, indicating that most peasant households who participate in rural tourism industry mainly earn income through part-time work. Variables such as age of the household head, years of education of the household head, household labor force size and household assets have a differential effect on the total household income, wage income and business income of peasant households. Further heterogeneity analysis shows that the income effect of participation in rural tourism decreases as the income level of employed households increases, showing a marginal decreasing effect; participation in rural tourism has a greater positive effect on the total income and business income of households with higher age of household head, but a negative effect on their wage income. In general, there is still much room for improvement in the income quality of peasant households who participate in rural tourism, especially in the structural and knowledge-based income. Finally, relevant policy recommendations are proposed based on the research findings and the objectives of rural revitalization strategy.


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