 JIANG Guanghui,HU Hao.Heterogeneous Preferences, Farmers Participatory Schemes Design and Livestock Manure Recycling:A Choice Experiment from Swine Farmers[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2024,24(03):161-173.





Heterogeneous Preferences, Farmers Participatory Schemes Design and Livestock Manure Recycling:A Choice Experiment from Swine Farmers
江光辉1 胡浩2
1. 安徽财经大学 金融学院, 蚌埠 233030;
2. 南京农业大学 经济管理学院, 南京 210095
JIANG Guanghui1 HU Hao2
Livestock Manure RecyclingCrop-livestock IntegrationAgri-environmental SchemeHeterogeneous PreferenceDiscrete Choice Experiment
生态补偿政策构成的农业环境方案对于废弃物资源化利用具有激励作用,但现行补偿政策方案可能存在推广瓶颈,突破瓶颈的关键在于了解农户的政策选择偏好。以养殖废弃物肥料化还田为例,通过选择实验法构建了由4个政策属性组合而成的备选政策情境,结合江苏省346户生猪养殖户实验数据,运用Mixed Logit模型检验了补偿政策的选择偏好及协同互补效应。结果表明:(1)养殖户对选择实验方案中的服务类、收入类和价格类补偿政策的偏好程度更高,而对于技术支持类补偿政策不具备明显偏好;(2)养殖户环保认知与风险特征是上述政策偏好异质性的重要来源,风险偏好型和环保认知水平高的养殖户对各类补偿政策方案的接受意愿更高;(3)技术支持、外包服务同收入类、价格类补偿政策之间呈现显著的互补性。根据"重视多元化补偿,强化正协同效应"原则,本文创设了针对养殖废弃物还田利用的推广方案,旨在优化和完善现行的生态补偿政策体系,打好相关政策措施的"组合拳"。
The agricultural environmental program, which includes ecological compensation policies, exerts an incentive effect on the utilization of waste resources. However, the existing compensation policy framework may have reached a promotional bottleneck, and the key to overcoming this obstacle lies in understanding farmers’ policy preferences. Using livestock manure recycled as fertilizer as a case study, an alternative policy scenario was developed using four policy attributes through a choice experiment method. The Mixed Logit model was applied to analyze the data from 346 swine farmers in Jiangsu Province, testing the preferences for compensation policies and their synergistic and complementary effects. The findings indicated that: (1) Farmers favored service, income, and price compensation policies in the experimental scheme, showing no clear preference for technical support compensation policies; (2) Farmers’ environmental awareness and risk characteristics significantly influenced their policy preferences, with those having a higher risk preference and environmental awareness being more receptive to various compensation policies and schemes; (3) There was a significant complementarity between technical support and service outsourcing, and income and price compensation policies. Drawing on the principle of "promoting diversified compensation and enhancing positive synergistic effects", this study proposes a plan for the recycling of aquaculture waste to fields, aimed at optimizing and improving the current ecological compensation policy system to create a cohesive set of policies and measures.


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