 HU Lili,SUN Xiaojuan,LIU Fengnan.On the Relationship between the Input of Agricultural Energy Consumption, Agricultural Economic Growth and Agricultural Energy Carbon Emission in China—Based on the Perspective of Green Total Factor Productivity[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2024,24(03):174-186.





On the Relationship between the Input of Agricultural Energy Consumption, Agricultural Economic Growth and Agricultural Energy Carbon Emission in China—Based on the Perspective of Green Total Factor Productivity
胡莉莉 孙晓娟 刘凤楠
兰州财经大学 经济学院/统计与数据科学学院, 兰州 730020
HU Lili SUN Xiaojuan LIU Fengnan
Green Total Factor ProductivityAgricultural Energy ConsumptionAgricultural Economic GrowthAgricultural Energy Carbon Emissions
This paper uses the super-efficiency SBM-GML model to measure the agricultural green total factor productivity and its change index of 31 provinces in China from 1990 to 2020. According to the growth rate of agricultural output value and the efficiency value of green total factor productivity, different provinces were divided into four regions. The panel fixed effect model was used to explore the influence of agricultural production energy on agricultural economic growth and regional heterogeneity, and the panel threshold model was used to analyze the relationship between agricultural economic growth and agricultural energy carbon emissions. The results show that: (1) From 1990 to 2020, China’s green total factor productivity shows a slow rising trend, in which technological progress is the main driving force, while the growth rate of technical efficiency index is negative. (2) The correlation coefficients between agricultural production energy use and agricultural output are all positive nationwide and in all regions, that is, the input of production energy use can significantly increase agricultural output, but the degree of realization of output increase displays regional heterogeneity. (3) There is a single threshold effect between China’s agricultural economic growth and agricultural energy carbon emissions, and the positive relationship between the two is strong before the threshold value; After crossing the threshold value, the positive relationship between the two is weakened and the two show a coordinated development trend. Based on this, the paper puts forward some policy suggestions, such as actively encouraging the progress of agricultural technology, comprehensively improving the level of agricultural technical efficiency, optimizing the energy use structure of agricultural production according to local conditions, and differentiating the choice of agricultural green development path.


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