 QIU Yabiao,WANG Juguang,LI Rui.Interaction and Remodeling: The Action Logic of Rural Modernization and Transformation——A Case Study of S Village in Guangxi[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2024,24(04):24-38.





Interaction and Remodeling: The Action Logic of Rural Modernization and Transformation——A Case Study of S Village in Guangxi
邱亚彪1 王巨光1 李睿2
1. 广西大学 公共管理学院, 南宁 530004;
2. 厦门大学 管理学院, 厦门 361005
QIU Yabiao1 WANG Juguang1 LI Rui2
Rural SystemRural RevitalizationRural Modernization Transformation
The modernization of agriculture and rural spaces constitutes a pivotal undertaking in the holistic construction of a modern socialist nation. The metamorphosis of villages towards integration with the open market is a crucial conduit toward the achievement of rural revitalization and modernity. However, the existing literature and practice herald a deficiency in a coherent action logic and a guiding framework for such transformations. Drawing from the tenets of rural systems theory, this scholarly inquiry adapts the resource dependence theory from the domain of organizational management. It interfaces this adaptation with the empirical case of S village in Guangxi’s trajectory of modernization to forge a bidirectional resource dependence theory that is contextualized within the paradigm of rural modernization in China. This modified theoretical framework elucidates the foundational interactional logic underpinning the modernization and transformation of the rural milieu, accounting for the dynamic interplay between its internal and external systems. In conjunction with the theory of complex adaptive systems, the study decomposes the systemic evolutionary mechanisms of the rural complex. It simultaneously constructs an action logic framework characterized by "interaction and remodeling" for the modernization transformation of rural spaces. This framework posits that the interactivity between the rural internal and external systems will instigate modifications within the system’s external environmental mechanisms. Consequently, these alterations will prompt adaptive shifts in the subjectivities of farmers, the deployment of resources, and the structuring of institutions within the rural internal system, thereby catalyzing the evolutionary trajectory of the rural system itself. The transformation of the rural system is marked by the reconfiguration of the social and economic architecture of the rural landscape, as well as by the adoption of market-oriented characteristics in the lifestyles and production methods of farmers, their social interactions, employment patterns, consumption behaviors, communal affiliations, and identities, and their perspectives on village governance structures. Ultimately, these changes signify the outcomes of the modernization process undergone by rural areas. This phenomenon delineates a comprehensive chain of action logic underpinning the interplay between the internal and external systems of the village, the systemic evolution of the village, and the transition towards the modernization of rural spaces.


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