 XU Xuchu,GUO Huixin,WU Bin.How is East-west Collaboration and Targeted Assistance Made Possible? Case Study on the Development of E-commerce Industry in Aksu City, Xinjiang[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2024,24(05):71-83.





How is East-west Collaboration and Targeted Assistance Made Possible? Case Study on the Development of E-commerce Industry in Aksu City, Xinjiang
徐旭初12 郭惠鑫1 吴彬1
1. 杭州电子科技大学 法学院, 杭州 310018;
2. 浙江大学 中国农村发展研究院, 杭州 310058
XU Xuchu12 GUO Huixin1 WU Bin1
East-west CollaborationPairing AssistanceCross-border Development NetworkRural E-commerce
East-west collaboration and pairing assistance are pivotal strategies for addressing regional development imbalances in China. This paper employs a case study of Hangzhou city’s efforts to foster the e-commerce industry in Aksu, Xinjiang, and constructs a framework for cross-boundary development networks based on actor-network theory. The aim is to investigate the implementation logic of east-eest collaboration and pairing assistance within the digital economy context. The research reveals that the logic of implementation for east-west collaboration and pairing assistance is demonstrated in the creation of a cross-border development network. This involves integrating entities, merging virtual and physical elements, aligning industries, and transitioning from points to areas. By breaking through the barriers of organizational, physical, industrial, and geographical boundaries, this approach achieves a positive synergy between the supporting and recipient regions, thereby further advancing the development of local competitive industries.


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