 LIU Huan,QIAN Wei,RUAN Junhu.Agricultural Factor Allocation Structure, Allocation Efficiency and Digital Agriculture Development[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2024,24(06):159-175.





Agricultural Factor Allocation Structure, Allocation Efficiency and Digital Agriculture Development
刘欢1 钱巍2 阮俊虎1
1. 西北农林科技大学 经济管理学院, 杨凌 712100;
2. 东北农业大学 经济管理学院, 哈尔滨 150030
LIU Huan1 QIAN Wei2 RUAN Junhu1
Digital AgricultureAgricultural Factor Allocation StructureFactor Allocation EfficiencyStochastic Frontier Analysis
This paper utilizes factor allocation theory and induced technological innovation theory to explore the theoretical underpinnings of structural changes in agricultural factor allocation and its influence on the growth of digital agriculture. It focuses on two critical dimensions: the intensification of agricultural capital and the transformation of the agricultural labor force. The research utilizes a panel dataset consisting of 284 prefecture-level cities in China covering the years 2012 to 2022. It empirically investigates the direct and indirect pathways by which the structural transformation of agricultural factor allocation impacts the progress of digital agriculture. The results suggest that both the deepening of agricultural capital and changes in the labor structure directly contribute to the progress of digital agriculture and also indirectly foster its expansion by improving the efficiency of factor allocation. The study reveals that the effects of agricultural capital intensification and labor structure transformation on promoting digital agriculture vary significantly. Compared to the eastern region and large cities, structural changes in factor allocation in the central and western regions and small cities have a more substantial impact on the promotion of digital agriculture. Consequently, it is proposed that the government enact a range of policies to accelerate the deepening of agricultural capital, the advancement of agricultural technology, and the optimization of the configuration structure. Additionally, it is recommended to strengthen the development of a digital talent support system in various ways to inject fresh momentum into the growth of digital agriculture. Lastly, the promotion of cooperation and coordinated development among cities of different regions and sizes is suggested to create a conducive external environment for the deepening of agricultural capital and changes in the labor structure.


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