




Maintaining Effect and Funding Willingness: Empirical Analysis on Collective Supply Willingness of Farmland Irrigation Canals in Rural Community
南京财经大学 粮食安全与战略研究中心, 江苏 南京 210003
As the basic production sub-public goods in rural communities, farmland irrigation canal is important for agricultural production and food security. Based on the survey data of rice farmers who share irrigation canals in major field crop production areas, this paper analyzed farmers’ willingness for irrigation canal management and its’ influence factors in the difficult supply situation with the help of field survey data and Logistic Regression Model. This survey found that the overall maintaining effect of small-size irrigation facilities was poor, and the proportion of respondents that had the willingness for farmland irrigation canal construction and maintaining is only 40%, and most of the respondents did not have any form of willingness to participate in this collective action. The maintaining effect of small size irrigation facilities was better among the user community with higher proportion of rice farming areas and those with high social capitals. The funding willingness was low among the user community of old-aged, higher education background, higher nonfarming income rate, and higher drop of food selling price, while the funding willingness was high among the user community with larger irrigation fields and bigger distance from canals or rivers. The analysis and conclusion of this paper contained several policy-making implications, the first is to encourage farming households with their fields next to each other to cooperate in irrigation within small scale, the second is to speed up farmland transfer process to boost the development of large-scale farming, the third is to cultivate the social capital in rural areas, the fourth is to train new-type professional farmers to alleviate the aging problems of rural labor, and the last one is to standardize the grain acquisition market order and ensure that the lowest purchasing price policy is in place.


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更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01