 HUANG Xiaoxing,DAI Yue.The Institutional Logic of Farmers’ Perception of Distributive Justice in China:Based on Sub-jective Theories of Reform and Opening Up Since 1978[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2017,17(06):38-47.





The Institutional Logic of Farmers’ Perception of Distributive Justice in China:Based on Sub-jective Theories of Reform and Opening Up Since 1978
黄晓星 戴玥
中山大学 社会学与社会工作系, 广东 广州 510000
HUANG Xiaoxing DAI Yue
Social structural determinism and social comparative determinism are the main theories on distribu-tive justice. However, they have different conclusions on analyzing the farmers. On the one hand, com-pared to other people, the farmers in lower class feel strong sense of injustice. On the other hand, while comparing them with the people around them, or comparing their living situations with before, they do not feel the sense of injustice. The quantitative research on distributive justice could neither reflect the subjective feelings of the farmers, nor the institutional logic. The farmers interpret their living situations following the institutional rules. In this paper, multiple case study method is adopted in analyzing the transition of the farmers’ perception of distributive justice, which is rooted in the transition of institu-tional arrangements of the government.


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