 LYV Jianxing,ZENG Xiaoxi,WANG Sangui.Supportive Policy, Social Integration and Willingness of Returning Migration: Evidence from 530 Households in Ten Counties of Five Provinces[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2019,19(03):29-40.





Supportive Policy, Social Integration and Willingness of Returning Migration: Evidence from 530 Households in Ten Counties of Five Provinces
吕建兴1 曾小溪2 汪三贵3
1. 广州大学 经济与统计学院, 广东 广州 510006;
2. 新华社 瞭望智库, 北京 100077;
3. 中国人民大学 中国扶贫研究院, 北京 100872
LYV Jianxing1 ZENG Xiaoxi2 WANG Sangui3
Poverty Alleviation RelocationWillingness of Returning MigrationSupportive PolicySocial Integration
The poverty alleviation relocation is a major project of people’s livelihood to achieve the goal of the building of a moderately prosperous society inall aspects, and how to get the relocated households to "stabilize" in the immigration area is the key to the smooth progress of the poverty alleviation relocation project. In this paper, based on the data of 530 households in 10 counties of 5 provinces of poverty alleviation relocation, with the controlled data of the personal characteristics, family characteristics and basic relocation characteristics of the subjects, we use Probit model to analyze the impact of supportive policy and social integration on the willingness of returning migration of relocated households. The results show that the supportive policies of providing employment opportunities and the social integration of self-identity and neighborhoods’ mutual assistance can significantly reduce the willingness of relocated households to return. And the effects of providing industrial development support, financial loan support, social security support and voting in the local village (committee) elections on reducing the return willingness are insignificant. The above results are robust after considering the different measurements of willingness of returning migration and sample selection bias. These findings mean that, when at the stage of policies-making and implementation, we should strengthen the effective docking of policy supply and demand, pay attention to the lag effects of policy implementation, and implement the short-term and long-term policy collocation.


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