 ZHAO Xiangyun.Relational Governance Structure in Land Trusteeship and Organization of Small Farmers: Study on Land Trusteeship in Area C of Xi’an City[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2020,20(03):44-52.





Relational Governance Structure in Land Trusteeship and Organization of Small Farmers: Study on Land Trusteeship in Area C of Xi’an City
南京大学 社会学院, 江苏 南京 210023
ZHAO Xiangyun
Land TrusteeshipSmall FarmersEmbeddednessGovernance Structure
Affected by the large number of small farmers and the current level of urbanization, China’s agricultural transformation must achieve the organic connection between small farmers and modern agricultural development. The key to promoting agricultural modernization based on small farmers is to improve the organization of small farmers and analyze the governance structure of land trusteeship. It is found that in the “semi-trust” and “full-trust” trust models, the market and quasi-predetermined period have formed. However, there is a unified governance structure between the hosting company and small farmers. There are also some problems in the operation of the two governance structures, including high transaction costs with small farmers, and the organizational level of small farmers still needs to be improved. Trading behavior is embedded in the political environment and village society, and will be affected by formal and exceptional systems such as policies and regulations, customs, networks of relationships. In a favorable political environment, the trusteeship company has political legitimacy, reduces political burden, and smoothly advances land trusteeship. At the same time, the hosting company actively connects with the village society to meet the interests of farmers and respect the habits of farmers. In the long-term interaction, the two sides can establish a two-way trust relationship and gradually develop a relationship governance structure. Under the relationship governance structure, the collective role of the village collective has been effectively activated, and the organization of small farmers has increased. In addition, small farmers have more trust in the land custody model, which is conducive to the stability and further innovation of the land custody model. On this basis, the enthusiasm of farmers to build rural areas and develop agriculture is stimulated, which provides favorable conditions for agricultural modernization and rural revitalization.


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