 GU Tianzhu,JI Yueqing,ZHONG Funing.Urbanization, Life Service Outsourcing and Low-skilled Service Industry Expansion: Adiscussion Based on the Perspective of Absorbing Rural Labor Transfer[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2021,21(02):136-147.





Urbanization, Life Service Outsourcing and Low-skilled Service Industry Expansion: Adiscussion Based on the Perspective of Absorbing Rural Labor Transfer
顾天竹1 纪月清2 钟甫宁2
1. 江苏理工学院 商学院, 江苏 常州 213001; 2. 南京农业大学 经济管理学院, 江苏 南京 210095
GU Tianzhu1 JI Yueqing2 ZHONG Funing2
UrbanizationLife Service OutsourcingLow-skilled ServicePopulation DensityEconomies of Scale
The article believes that in the new stage of the basic transfer of young and highly skilled rural labor, the development of urban low-skilled service employment is the key to furtherpromoting labor transfer and urbanization. Focusing on the construction of small towns or large and medium-sized cities which is more conducive to the creation of low-skilled service employment and its employment, this paper explores the impact of urban population size, population density and land area on the employment in low-skilled services. Family-level research provides micro-evidence for the fact that urbanization promotes outsourcing of family life services. City-level research finds that the urban population density is more stable than the total population or land area variable to improve the output value for low-skilled services. In addition, due to the economies of scale of services caused by the increase in population density, the impact of urban population density on low-skilled services output value shows a nonlinear feature. Therefore, from the perspective of stimulating demand for labor services, creating low-skilled service employment and promoting rural labor transfer, priority should be given to developing large and medium-sized cities and appropriately increasing population density.


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