 LIU Xinghua,WANG Yong.Study on Intergenerational Differences of Farmers’ Willingness and Behavior of Concentrated Residence under the Background of Rural Revitalization[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2021,21(05):117-126.





Study on Intergenerational Differences of Farmers’ Willingness and Behavior of Concentrated Residence under the Background of Rural Revitalization
刘兴花1 王勇2
1. 华中科技大学 马克思主义学院, 湖北 武汉 430074;
2. 湖北大学 马克思主义学院, 湖北 武汉 430062
LIU Xinghua1 WANG Yong2
Rural RevitalizationConcentrated ResidenceIntergenerational DifferencesFamily StrategyInfluencing Factors
Combining villages and living together is one of the important modes of in-situ urbanization under the background of rural revitalization. The study uses the case data of four villages to explore the farmers’ willingness and behavior of concentrated residence from an intergenerational perspective. It finds that there are intergenerational differences in farmers’ willingness of concentrated residence, showing a sequence pattern of strong willingness of offsprings, weak willingness of parents, and very weak willingness of grandparents, which is mainly affected by three factors:rural attachment complex and courtyard attachment complex, physical and lifestyle adaptation, economic ability and employment status. As far as behavior of concentrated residence is concerned, when the unmarried and married children have no independent houses, the parents and grandparents with their houses replaced often give their houses to their children and find another place for themselves. This kind of family strategy is formed through three mechanisms:resource possession, cultural pressure and residence preference. The former two mechanisms reflect the intergenerational inequality, the downward inclination ethic of responsibility and a certain degree of intergenerational exploitation, while the latter mechanism reflects the living habits and the pursuit of independent space, which is endowed with both traditional and modern qualities of the parents and grandparents. In the end, some suggestions are put forward from the aspects of building pricing, compensation for old houses, quality of buildings, time and means of relocation, proper settlement of unmarried and married children without independent houses, poverty and emotional relief of grandparents, industrial development and so on.


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