 MA Guangchuan,LIN Juren.The Urban-rural Integrated Development and Rural Revitalization at County Level in Spatial Perspective——A Case Study of Laixi County in the National Pilot Zone for Urban-rural Integration[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2023,23(01):42-49.





The Urban-rural Integrated Development and Rural Revitalization at County Level in Spatial Perspective——A Case Study of Laixi County in the National Pilot Zone for Urban-rural Integration
马光川1 林聚任2
1. 潍坊学院 政法学院, 潍坊 261061;
2. 山东大学 哲学与社会发展学院, 济南 250100
MA Guangchuan1 LIN Juren2
Urban-rural Integration at County LevelRural RevitalizationThe Mangle of SpaceDisembedding MechanismReembedding Mechanism
The county as a spatial unit in China is becoming more and more important in realizing comprehensive rural revitalization, and the construction of urbanization in county as an important carrier has been paid great attention. Under the background of The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China further emphasizing the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization, the county as the entry point for the integrated development of urban and rural areas has been received great attention. This paper, from the perspective of space, aims to explore the spatial practice and experience of the integration of urban-rural development at county level through the case study of Laixi in the national pilot zone of urban-rural integration development, Qingdao City. It is found that in the process of comprehensive rural revitalization and promoting urban-rural integrated development, county as an important spatial carrier of urban-rural integrated development, needs to be put urban-rural spatial integration in a larger spatial scale to get a deeper understanding. Under the influence of two important spatial integration mechanisms and the mangle of space, the urban-rural spatial pattern of Laixi county is undergoing reconstruction. The basic trend of spatial reconstruction in urban and rural areas is as follows:from spatial separation to integration; from spatial decentralization to centralization; from spatial homogeneity to differentiation.


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