 XU Yadong,ZHANG Yingliang.Theoretical Interpretation of Effective Connection of Consolidating and Expanding the Achievements of Poverty Alleviation and Rural Revitalization: Based on the Perspective of Resource Allocation[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2023,23(04):1-13.





Theoretical Interpretation of Effective Connection of Consolidating and Expanding the Achievements of Poverty Alleviation and Rural Revitalization: Based on the Perspective of Resource Allocation
徐亚东 张应良
西南大学 经济管理学院/农村经济与管理研究中心, 重庆 400715
XU Yadong ZHANG Yingliang
Poverty AlleviationRural RevitalizationEffective ConvergenceSmooth TransformationResource Allocation SystemPath Evolution Theory
In the process of building a new development pattern in which the domestic cycle is the main body and the domestic and international cycles are mutually reinforcing, coordinating the poverty reduction strategy and the rural revitalization strategy, and consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization have become urgent theoretical and practical problems to be solved in comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. This paper is based on the path structure theory and the perspective of resource allocation, and from the theory of expanding poverty crucial achievements with rural revitalization effective cohesion problems, it draws the following conclusions:first, consolidating the development of poverty crucial achievements with rural revitalization effective cohesion is the essence of the allocation of resources from "administrative" to "market" transformation. Second, neither the "effective market" nor the "promising government" is able to bypass the "capable collective" to achieve Chinas rural economic development. Third, based on the theory of path structure, the key tasks of consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization include cultivating "capable collectives" and achieving path breakthroughs through ecological capitalization and cultural capitalization. Fourth, the path creation and path design are more in line with the current actual situation of path breakthrough way, with the former including human capital training, rural entrepreneurship support and characteristic industry cultivation in three aspects, and the latter including building a governance mechanism to prevent returning to poverty and involving relative poverty, a resource assets market pricing mechanism, an effective management mechanism of poverty alleviation project funds and support capital transformation mechanism of market capital.


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