 SUN Xuetao,ZHANG Lijuan.Influence of High Standard Farmland Construction on bias of Agricultural Technology Progress[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2024,24(02):148-159.





Influence of High Standard Farmland Construction on bias of Agricultural Technology Progress
孙学涛1 张丽娟2
1. 山东社会科学院, 济南 250002;
2. 中国社会科学院 农村发展研究所, 北京 100732
SUN Xuetao1 ZHANG Lijuan2
High Standard Farmland ConstructionAgricultural Technology Progress BiasAgricultural Industrial StructureGrain Production Capacity
高标准农田建设改变了农业要素投入结构和相对效率, 进而影响了农业技术进步偏向。在"把永久基本农田全部建成高标准农田"背景下, 本文运用地级市农业部门数据实证分析了高标准农田建设对农业技术进步偏向的影响。研究发现:(1)中国农业技术进步总体上偏向于资本要素, 而高标准农田建设会进一步促进农业技术进步偏向于资本要素; (2)受地区农业经济发展水平的影响, 高标准农田建设会促进贫困地区农业技术进步偏向于劳动要素, 而促进富裕地区农业技术进步偏向于资本要素; (3)高标准农田建设对农业技术进步偏向产生直接影响的同时, 还会通过优化农业产业结构、提升粮食综合生产能力的方式促进农业技术进步偏向于资本要素。
The construction of high-standard farmland changes the input structure and relative efficiency of agricultural factors, and then affects the bias of agricultural technological progress. Under the background of "building all permanent basic farmland into high-standard farmland", this paper empirically analyzes the impact of high-standard farmland construction on the bias of agricultural technology progress by using the data of agricultural departments of prefecture-level cities. The results show that China’s agricultural technological progress is generally biased towards capital factors; the construction of high-standard farmland will promote agricultural technological progress to favor capital elements; the tendency of agricultural technological progress is also affected by the level of regional agricultural economic development. High-standard farmland construction will promote agricultural technological progress in poor areas to favor labor factors, and promote agricultural technological progress in rich areas to favor capital factors. While the construction of high-standard farmland has a direct impact on the bias of agricultural technology progress, it also promotes the further bias of agricultural technology progress towards capital factors by optimizing the agricultural industrial structure and improving the comprehensive grain production capacity. Finally, this paper puts forward three policy suggestions for improving the construction of high-standard farmland and promoting the progress of agricultural technology.


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基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年项目"高标准农田建设对农业的多途径影响: 时空规律、要素替代与效率提升"(72203212); 山东省博士后创新项目"高标准农田建设对农地效率的影响机理与优化路径研究"(202102063)
作者简介:孙学涛, 男, 山东社会科学院副研究员, 中国海洋大学经济学院博士后; 张丽娟(通信作者), 女, 中国社会科学院农村发展研究所副研究员。
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01