 ZENG Diyang,HONG Yanbi.The Effects of Migration on Rural Migrants’ Subjective Well-being in China’s Urbanization[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2016,16(06):49-60.





The Effects of Migration on Rural Migrants’ Subjective Well-being in China’s Urbanization
曾迪洋1 洪岩璧2
1. 南京大学 社会学院, 江苏 南京 210023;
2. 东南大学 社会学系, 江苏 南京 211189
ZENG Diyang1 HONG Yanbi2
Existing research on the subjective well-being of rural migrants relatively ignored the effects of mi-gration behavior. Using Tsinghua 2012 survey data, through propensity score matching and fixed effect model, this article examined the effects and influencing mechanisms of domestic migration on rural mi-grants’ happiness. We found that, in general, migration decreased migrants’ subjective well-being.Rural migrants earned more money, but the cost was lowered happiness. The changes of intimate rela-tions, living environment, inter-personal relationship, and identity played a critical role during this process. Thus, we concluded that, in addition to increasing rural migrants’ income, an important way to improve their subjective well-being is to provide a friendly environment and increase their identity in host cities, which is the critical core of new human-centered urbanization.


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