 GUO Lijing,ZHAO Jin.A Study on Farmers Willingness of Biological Pesticide Application from the Perspective of Cognitive Conflict: An Empirical Analysis Based on 639 Rice Farmers in Jiangsu[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2017,17(02):123-133.





A Study on Farmers Willingness of Biological Pesticide Application from the Perspective of Cognitive Conflict: An Empirical Analysis Based on 639 Rice Farmers in Jiangsu
郭利京1 赵瑾2
1. 安徽财经大学 经济学院, 安徽 蚌埠 233030;
2. 安徽科技学院 管理学院, 安徽 滁州 233100
GUO Lijing1 ZHAO Jin2
The present paper deals with the causes of farmers’ cognitive conflict in biological pesticides promotion and the farmers’ willingness of biological pesticide application factors from farmers’ personal characteristics and social network aspects, taking 639 rice farmers of the main production in three cities-Haian, Hongze and Liyang-in Jiangsu Province as samples, and based on cognitive conflict theory. The results found:(1) In the aspects of farmers’ personal characteristics, biological pesticide knowledge and perceived behavioral effectiveness had negative impact on farmers’ cognitive conflict, but positive impact on farmers’ willingness, but the sensitivity of biological pesticide and chemical pesticide price difference had positive impact on farmers’ cognitive conflict, but negative impact on farmers’ willingness. (2)In the social relation network, the social norm identity had a negative impact on the farmer’s cognitive conflict, but a positively affected the farmers’ willingness, and the expectation of peer behavior had positive effect on the willingness of farmers to use biological pesticides. (3)Our study also confirmed that cognitive conflict influenced on farmers’ willingness of biological pesticides application, through biological pesticide knowledge, and perceived behavioral effectiveness. The farmers’ cognitive conflict causes were deepened in the process of bio-pesticide promotion, and our study has great theoretical and practical significance to the public sector and pesticide enterprises for improving the effectiveness and encouraging farmers’ willingness to biological pesticide application.


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