 ZHU Haibo,BI Jieying.Key Directions and Policy Adjustments for Consolidating and Expanding the Achievements of Poverty Elimination and Effectively Linking with Rural Revitalization: Discussion on the “Three Regions and Three Prefectures” Lifted out of Poverty[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2021,21(06):80-90.





Key Directions and Policy Adjustments for Consolidating and Expanding the Achievements of Poverty Elimination and Effectively Linking with Rural Revitalization: Discussion on the “Three Regions and Three Prefectures” Lifted out of Poverty
朱海波 毕洁颖
中国农业科学院 农业信息研究所, 北京 100081
ZHU Haibo BI Jieying
Rural RevitalizationAreas Lifted out of PovertyIndustrial DevelopmentHuman CapitalPolicy Orientation
With the central government’s announcement of the list of key counties for national rural revitalization, the top-level design has clearly given preferential support to the poverty-stricken counties that have been lifted out of poverty in western China to promote rural revitalization on the basis of consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation. Although absolute poverty has been eliminated according to current standards in the "three regions and three prefectures" and other poverty-stricken areas, many endogenous problems have not been completely solved during the period of poverty elimination campaign due to the historical lag of social development, especially human development. Therefore, it is still necessary to strengthen targeted policy support in the transition period of the next five years to consolidate the foundation of poverty alleviation. Industrial development and human resources are the fundamental means to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation. Based on induced institutional change theory and human capital theory, and through in-depth investigation and case study of representative ethnic concentrated areas that have been lifted out of poverty in western China, this paper explains the evolution mechanism and internal logic on how to make effective use of the government’s strong allocation of financial resources, promote the rural industry to form a "step up" development path under the coordination of resources, government, market, technology and people, and produce a sustained and stable effect of helping farmers and increasing income. Finally, in view of the new situation and challenges faced by the development of agricultural industry, targeted measures and suggestions are put forward from the aspects of improving the organizational ability of village collective, strengthening the connection with new consumption forms such as e-commerce of agricultural products, and enhancing the training of industrial development talents within village communities and the improvement of human capital of small farmers.


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