 ZHUANG Jian,LUO Biliang.How does Labor Distance Affect Farmland Abandonment: An Investigation in Consideration of the Differences of Time, Gender and Generation[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2022,22(05):112-123.





How does Labor Distance Affect Farmland Abandonment: An Investigation in Consideration of the Differences of Time, Gender and Generation
庄健 罗必良
华南农业大学 国家农业制度与发展研究院, 广东 广州 510642
ZHUANG Jian LUO Biliang
Labor DistanceAbandoned FarmlandGenerational DifferencesGender Differences
Improving the utilization efficiency of cultivated land resources and reducing the abandonment of farmland are the basic prerequisites for ensuring food security in our country. Using the 2016 China Labor Dynamics Survey (CLDS) data, this paper examines the impact of the distance of migrant workers on farmland abandonment. The results show that: (1) There are significant differences in the impact of different working distances on farmland abandonment. Among them, local labor has no effect on the abandonment of farmland, while migrant labor exacerbates the abandonment of farmland by reducing agricultural investment time and the level of farmland subsistence. (2) Heterogeneity analysis shows that the effect of off-site labor on farmland abandonment is caused differently by the gender and intergenerational structure of the transferred labor force, and the off-site work of female family members and the older generation of labor force significantly exacerbates the abandonment of Farmland. (3) Further research shows that the stability of land rights, farmland circulation and the full development of the agricultural machinery service market will significantly weaken the impact of migrant workers on the abandonment of farmland. The paper emphasizes that the "half-farming, half-work" livelihood model based on the intergenerational and gender division of labor within the family is more conducive to the rational use of cultivated land. In addition, promoting rural urbanization and encouraging farmers to find employment nearby while stabilizing land rights, improving the development of the farmland transfer market and the coverage of agricultural socialization services will help alleviate farmland abandonment and improve the utilization efficiency of cultivated land resources.


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