 LI Shangpu,ZHANG Luyao.Transfer or Abandonment: The “Crowding out” Effect of Outsourcing Services on Small Farmers—Evidence from Wheat Farmers in Henan Province[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2022,22(05):136-149.





Transfer or Abandonment: The “Crowding out” Effect of Outsourcing Services on Small Farmers—Evidence from Wheat Farmers in Henan Province
李尚蒲 张路瑶
华南农业大学 国家农业制度与发展研究院, 广东 广州 510642
LI Shangpu ZHANG Luyao
Land TransferAbandonment of FarmlandOutsourcing ServicesAgricultural Machinery Service MarketFarmland Transfer Market
The withdrawal of small farmers from farmland operation not only involves the fundamental issues of the transformation of agricultural operation subjects and the reform of basic operation system in China, but also relates to the national agricultural security, especially food security. On whether the development of agricultural machinery service market has "crowding out" effect on smallholders’ farmland management, a unanimous conclusion has not been reached.Based on the data of wheat farmers in Henan Province, this paper conducted an empirical analysis. The results showed that: (1) Outsourcing services promoted the withdrawal of smallholders from farmland management, mainly promoting the transfer of farmland rather than abandonment, and the impact on the withdrawal behavior of farmers below the mean size was more obvious. (2) Heterogeneity analysis did not change the main effect of outsourcing services on farmland management, and the development of factor market was also conducive to promoting farmland transfer and effectively inhibiting farmland abandonment. (3) Further analysis showed that the rising service prices promoted farmers’ withdrawal from farmland management, but the localization of outsourcing services slowed down the withdrawal from farmland management. The paper argued that we should pay attention to the double-edged sword function of outsourcing services, accelerate the development and matching of relevant factor markets, build agricultural machinery service information platform, and steadily promote the relevant system construction of small farmers’ land management withdrawal.


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