 GAO Ming,ZHOU Ziming.Theoretical Logic, Practical Basis and Action Path of the "Green Rural Revival Program" Experience in Empowering Rural Industrial Development[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2024,24(02):1-15.





Theoretical Logic, Practical Basis and Action Path of the "Green Rural Revival Program" Experience in Empowering Rural Industrial Development
高鸣1 周子铭2
1. 农业农村部 农村经济研究中心, 北京 100810;
2. 清华大学 公共管理学院/国情研究院, 北京 100810
GAO Ming1 ZHOU Ziming2
"Green Rural Revival Program"Rural RevitalizationRural IndustryModernization of Agriculture and Rural Areas
提升乡村产业发展水平是全面推进乡村振兴战略的重要物质基础, 更是加快建设农业强国、推进农业农村现代化的有力之举。浙江省实施的"千万工程"探索了从人居环境整治到乡村全面建设的科学路径, 在使命、目标和原则上与乡村产业发展具有一致性, 这为提升乡村产业发展水平明确了关键任务和行动路径。借鉴"千万工程"发展理念、工作方法和制度设计三大经验, 缓解当前乡村产业融合层次依然较浅、发展基础整体不高、项目前景有待提升、富民效果仍然有限、发展动能有待加强等问题, 需要促进产业体系融合化、产业项目特色化、产业路径持续化、产业收益惠民化和产业动能长效化。据此, 应坚持系统思维, 强化统筹协调; 坚持求真务实, 注重问题导向; 坚持绿色引领, 强调创新驱动; 保障农民权益, 突出共建共享。
Enhancing the level of rural industrial development is an important material foundation for comprehensively promoting the strategy of rural revitalization, and it is a powerful move to accelerate the construction of a strong agricultural country and promote the modernization of agriculture and rural areas. The "Green Rural Revival Program" implemented by Zhejiang Province has explored the scientific path from the improvement of human habitat environment to the comprehensive construction of the countryside, which is consistent with the development of rural industry in terms of mission, goal and principle, and has pointed out the key tasks and path of action for the enhancement of the level of rural industrial development. Drawing on the three major experiences of the "Green Rural Revival Program" in terms of system concept, working method and system design, we need to promote the integration of industrial system, the specialization of industrial projects, the sustainability of industrial paths, and the benefits of industrial income to the people, in order to alleviate the problems of rural industrial integration. There is a need to promote the integration of industrial systems, the specialization of industrial projects, the sustainability of industrial paths, the benefiting of the people by industrial gains, and the long-term effectiveness of industrial kinetic energy. Accordingly, we should adhere to systematic thinking and emphasize coordination; adhere to pragmatism and focus on problem orientation; adhere to green leadership and emphasize innovation drive; protect farmers’ rights and interests and highlight the common construction and sharing.


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基金项目:国家"万人计划"青年拔尖人才项目"科技与改革双轮驱动建设农业强国研究"(2023); 国家资助博士后研究人员计划(GZC20231318)
作者简介:高鸣, 男, 农业农村部农村经济研究中心研究员; 周子铭(通信作者), 男, 清华大学国情研究院助理研究员, 清华大学公共管理学院博士后。
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01