 GAO Mingzi,ZHANG Lei,ZHU Huijie.Digital Governance, Clan Network and Agricultural Entrepreneurship: An Empirical Study Based on the Panel Data of 397 Counties in Eastern China[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2024,24(02):173-184.





Digital Governance, Clan Network and Agricultural Entrepreneurship: An Empirical Study Based on the Panel Data of 397 Counties in Eastern China
高名姿1 张雷2 朱慧劼1
1. 南京农业大学 金融学院/人文与社会发展学院, 南京 210095;
2. 南京财经大学 金融学院, 南京 210023
GAO Mingzi1 ZHANG Lei2 ZHU Huijie1
Digital GovernanceAgriculture EntrepreneurshipClan Network
数字时代背景下, 基层政府开始探索数字治理。通过整理东部地区397个县域2019-2020年的农业创业数据、县域统计年鉴数据和家谱数据, 使用固定效应模型、门槛模型和调节效应模型等实证分析了数字治理对农业创业的影响。研究发现:数字治理显著促进了县域农业创业活动的产生, 但是该作用仅在数字治理水平超过一定门槛值后有效。调节效应分析发现, 宗族网络在数字治理促进农业创业中起到正向调节作用, 但是该调节作用主要对传统种植类农业创业有效, 且在宗族网络紧密时作用强度更大。作用机制分析发现, 数字治理降低了企业创业门槛, 使得更多创业者创办小微企业, 进而提高了农业创业水平。据此, 政府应加大数字技术在基层治理中的应用, 并且关注传统宗族网络在其中的作用, 进而更好实现数字技术对农村基层治理的赋能, 提高农业创业活力。
By manually sorting out the 2019—2020 agricultural entrepreneurship data, county statistical yearbook data and family tree data of 397 counties in eastern China, this study empirically analyzes the impact of digital governance on agricultural entrepreneurship using fixed-effect model, threshold model and moderation effect model. It is found that digital governance significantly improves the generation of agricultural entrepreneurial activities at county level. However, this effect is only effective when the level of digital governance exceeds a certain threshold. The moderation effect analysis finds that clan network plays a positive moderation role in promoting agricultural entrepreneurship by digital governance, but the positive moderation role is mainly effective for traditional planting agricultural entrepreneurship, and the effect is stronger when the clan network is close. Mechanism analysis finds that digital governance lowers the barriers to entry for entrepreneurial activities, enabling a greater number of micro and small enterprises to engage in entrepreneurship. Consequently, this leads to an improvement in the level of agricultural entrepreneurship. Therefore, the government should increase the application of digital technology in grass-roots governance, pay attention to the role of traditional clan networks. This will facilitate the empowerment of digital technologies in rural grassroots governance and enhance the vitality of agricultural entrepreneurship.


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基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年项目"信息平台建设背景下农地流转治理结构选择与纠纷化解研究——’交易特征-嵌入’分析框架"(72103095); 南京农业大学中央高校基本科研业务费人文社会科学研究基金"农户农业价值链外部信贷缔约条件与履约机制——’交易特征-嵌入’视角"(SKYC2019005)
作者简介:高名姿, 女, 南京农业大学金融学院讲师; 张雷, 男, 南京财经大学金融学院讲师; 朱慧劼(通信作者), 男, 南京农业大学人文与社会发展学院讲师。
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01