 WANG Shukun,LIN Wensheng,YANG Guolei.The Impact of Well-facilitated Farmland Construction on Adjustment of Grain Cropping Structure[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2024,24(03):125-136.





The Impact of Well-facilitated Farmland Construction on Adjustment of Grain Cropping Structure
王术坤1 林文声2 杨国蕾3
1. 中国社会科学院 农村发展研究所, 北京 100732;
2. 北京理工大学 经济学院, 北京 102488;
3. 国家粮食和物资储备局 科学研究院, 北京 100037
WANG Shukun1 LIN Wensheng2 YANG Guolei3
Well-facilitated Farmland ConstructionAdjustment of Cropping StructureGrain ProductionChina Rural Revitalization Comprehensive Survey
The construction of well-facilitated farmland is closely related to national food security. This paper constructs a theoretical analysis framework demonstrating the impact of well-facilitated farmland construction on crop planting structure through channels of improving irrigation facilities, increasing farmland rental, promoting non-agricultural employment, and boosting agricultural mechanization, and uses the sample data of 4378 farmers from 10 provinces, 50 counties and 300 villages of the China Rural Revitalization Comprehensive Survey (CRRS) in 2020 and 2022 to quantitatively analyze the adjustment effect and policy heterogeneity of crop planting structure of well-facilitated farmland construction. The research results show that: (1) The construction of well-facilitated farmland has led to a 7.97% increase in the planting proportion of staple crops. (2) Mechanism test indicates that the construction of well-facilitated farmland increases the planting proportion of staple crops by improving agricultural irrigation facilities, increasing the scale of farmland rental, and increasing agricultural mechanization, while the transmission mechanism of non-agricultural employment has not been verified. (3) Heterogeneity analysis reveals that the construction of well-facilitated farmland in areas with a balance between production and consumption of grain, large topographic slopes, and undulations can much more significantly increase the proportion of grain planting by farm households.


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