 XU Xiuchuan,WEN Tao,ZHANG Weiguo.Farming Area, Labor Supply and Wage’s Non-Linear Relationship with Urbanization in China: A Theory Model and Its Empirical Analysis Via Threshold Panel Data Method[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2016,16(03):101-110.





Farming Area, Labor Supply and Wage’s Non-Linear Relationship with Urbanization in China: A Theory Model and Its Empirical Analysis Via Threshold Panel Data Method
许秀川 温涛 张卫国
西南大学 经济管理学院/农村金融与农业现代化研究院, 重庆 400715
XU Xiuchuan WEN Tao ZHANG Weiguo
Based on the micro foundation of maximizing the farmers’ income and the urban and rural economic equilibrium of traditional agricultural economy, this paper constructs a theoretical model of urbanization, obtains the relationship between urban and rural labor employment equilibrium with their determining factors,and analyzes the main factors affecting the equilibrium employment and their possible threshold effects under the condition that there are large heterogeneity among arable land, labor force, and urban wages. Econometric analysis of threshold panel data shows that the threshold effects do exist. Small arable lands, low-level of factors agglomeration are not conducive to the release of the rural labor force and the advance of urbanization. Increasing urban wages and maintaining moderate population growth and labor supply will be beneficial to the development of urbanization. According to theoretical and empirical results, this paper argues that we should increase the agglomeration level of agricultural production factors and the wages for migrant workers, and promote the process of modernization and industry nurturing agriculture, and meanwhile speed up the reform of family planning policy and maintain a stable labor supply.


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