 HE Linbo,QIAO Yiping.Risk Conversion Mechanism of Rural Industry Revitalization in the Context of Rural Revitalization: Taking the Development of Characteristic Tea Industry in X City as an Example[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2020,20(01):99-108.





Risk Conversion Mechanism of Rural Industry Revitalization in the Context of Rural Revitalization: Taking the Development of Characteristic Tea Industry in X City as an Example
贺林波 乔逸平
湖南农业大学 公共管理与法学学院, 湖南 长沙 410128
HE Linbo QIAO Yiping
Incomplete ContractRural Industrial RevitalizationResidual ControlRisk Transformation
In the context of rural Revitalization Strategy, project-based governance methods have significantly different characteristics in terms of project subjects, subsidy objects, operating methods, and performance evaluations. The main characteristics include:The government and households or government and project contractors as project main entity have changed into multiple entities involving government, project contractors and households, and the subsidy recipients have changed from contractors and households to households. The operation mechanism has changed from project contractors applications and government mobilizing households to project contractors applications and mobilizing households and the performance evaluation has changed from subsidy in-place to fund use efficiency. Under this background, local governments are facing different risks to transform rural industries with industrial projects. Field surveys have shown that local government-led revitalization of rural industries may lead to the real dilemma of market risk turning into political responsibility or trust risk. With the analysis framework of "incomplete contract-residual control rights", taking the development of characteristic tea industry in the three counties (cities) of areas A, B and C of X City, Hunan Province, as an example, the paper discussed the logical process of local government industrial project governance strategy and risk transformation. The study found that during the implementation of rural industrial projects, there were a large number of "residual control rights" due to incomplete industrial policies or project agreements; local governments, industrial project contractors and farmers competed for "residual control rights" in rural industrial projects, and the dispute resolution mechanism failed to cause market risks to be transformed into politics, responsibility and trust risks. In order to resolve the risk conversion dilemma, it is necessary to expand the "specific rights" in rural industrial projects, rationally allocate "remaining control rights", and improve third-party legal dispute resolution mechanisms.


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