 SUN Yanfei,TANG Xiaolan,LIU Siyuan.The Actual Situation and Path of Rural Cultural Landscape Protection: Environmental Education Path Based on “Human-Land Relationship”[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2020,20(01):117-126.





The Actual Situation and Path of Rural Cultural Landscape Protection: Environmental Education Path Based on “Human-Land Relationship”
孙彦斐1 唐晓岚12 刘思源1
1. 南京林业大学 风景园林学院, 江苏 南京 210037;
2. 南京林业大学 中国特色生态文明建设与林业发展研究院, 江苏 南京 210037
SUN Yanfei1 TANG Xiaolan12 LIU Siyuan1
Rural RevitalizationEnvironmental EducationRural Cultural Landscape
The revitalization of rural culture is an important part of the strategy of rural revitalization. However, the realistic situation of rural cultural landscape is problematic, which is mainly reflected in the destruction of traditional buildings, streets, elimination of fine cultural traditions, as well as the disconnection of cultural connection and governance system. Rural cultural landscape is essentially a cultural embodiment of the relationship between human and environment, including not only the physical "landscape" of material form, but also the spiritual ideology of human-land relationship and social structure. Countryside cultural reconstruction is the key to the revitalization of people and environment-coordinated development of the cultural landscape management system. Based on the fully understanding of the inherent logic of rural cultural landscape protection, and based on an in-depth cognition research on the inherent logic of rural cultural landscape survival, this paper analyzed the real situation of rural cultural landscape protection and its causes, explores the evolution of rural cultural landscape development path. This paper further clarifies the coupling mechanism between human-land relationship theory and environmental education, applies environmental education to combing the relationship between human and environment, and makes clear that environmental education can become a new perspective of rural cultural landscape protection. At the practical level of cultural landscape protection, this paper takes human-land relationship as the core of environmental education practice, replacing the previous simple institutional design and one-sided protection means. In this paper, the three aspects of the relationship between rural people surface state entity class, middle interactions and deep social mechanism are given an in-depth study. The purpose and method of environmental education are embedded into the protection of rural cultural landscape, and the function of environmental education is added to the protection and management of cultural landscape. The purpose is to realize the humanized protection of rural cultural landscape, and to achieve a comprehensive revitalization of rural culture.


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