 PENG Kaili.Formation Mechanism and Empirical Study of Farmers’ Land Transfer Decision Under the Background of “Three Rights Separation”Policy: Evidence From Hubei Province with Survey of 672 Farmers[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2020,20(02):116-127.





Formation Mechanism and Empirical Study of Farmers’ Land Transfer Decision Under the Background of “Three Rights Separation”Policy: Evidence From Hubei Province with Survey of 672 Farmers
华中农业大学 土地管理学院/湖北农村发展研究中心, 湖北 武汉 430070
PENG Kaili
“Three Rights Separation” PolicyFarmland TransferDecision on Land TransferTheory of Planned BehaviorStructural Equation Modeling
The farmland “three rights separation ” policy which was enacted in 2016 is a totally new land property policy in China. To analyze the influencing mechanism of the policy on farms’ land transfer decision and improve the incentive function of China’s rural land property rights policy, multigroup comparative analysis based on the theory of planned behavior and the method of structural equation modeling is employed in the paper. The results show that:(1) Behavior attitude and perceptual behavior control of farmers have significant positive impact on farmers’ land transfer decision. At the same time, the belief that the policy can stabilize land tenure can best reflect farmers’ behavior attitude. The degree of understanding of policy connotation can best reflect perceptual behavior control. And taking proactive measures to carry out land transfer can best reflect farmers’ transfer decision; (2) Situational factors such as land tenure security, transfer experience, and subjective norms have direct impact on farmers’ land transfer decision, and also have indirect impact on the decision through influencing the behavior attitude and the perceptual behavior control. (3) The formation mechanism of the “three rights separation” policy for farmer’s land transfer decision is various among different transfer subjects, different transfer ways, different transfer mechanisms and different pilot areas. Thus, the theory of planned behavior can explain the influencing mechanism of farmer’s decision on land transfer well. Moreover, incentive measures should have different emphasis on different type farmers to improve the efficiency of farmland transfer, and related laws, regulations and policy measures matched the “three rights separation” policy should be formulated to help farmers make further decision on land transfer.


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