 XU Zhangxing,ZHANG Bing,LIU Dan.On the Impact of Social Networks on Farmland Circulation in the Process of Marketization[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2020,20(06):134-147.





On the Impact of Social Networks on Farmland Circulation in the Process of Marketization
徐章星12 张兵1 刘丹13
1. 南京农业大学 金融学院, 江苏 南京 210095;
2. 哥廷根大学 农业经济与农村发展系, 德国 哥廷根 37073;
3. 南京大学 商学院, 江苏 南京 210093
XU Zhangxing12 ZHANG Bing1 LIU Dan13
Social NetworkFarmland CirculationMarketization ProcessMechanism
This article uses data from the China Household Finance Survey (CHFS)2015, using Probit and Tobit models to analyze the impact of social networks on farmland circulation and constructing a mediating effect model to further examine the possible paths that social networks affect farmland circulation and the changing rule of its influence under the background of the process of marketization. The results show that:Social networks have promoted the transfer-out and transfer-in of farmland by lowering the cost. The social network promotes the transfer-out and inhibits the transfer-in of farmland by non-agricultural employment. Non-agricultural employment exerts an intermediary effect and a cover effect in the process of farmland circulation. With the acceleration of the process of rural marketization, the transfer of farmland will be promoted. At the same time, the marketization process weakens the impact of social networks on the transfer-in of farmland. Meanwhile, the transfer of farmland from acquaintances to the market has begun to show the characteristics of marketization. Therefore, it is necessary to affirm the positive role of social networks in the reallocation of rural land and labor factors. In the process of promoting moderate scale operation of farmland, it is necessary to aim at the heterogeneity of transfer-in and transfer-out of farmland. Based on respecting the wishes of farmers, market power needs to be taken to introduce guiding policies and measures and avoid ‘one size fits all’ reforms to prevent the endogenous risks of farmland circulation.


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