 CHEN Zihao,HU Hao.The Impact of Farmers’ Perceptions of Climate Change on Insurance Purchase Behavior: Evidence from Peach Farmers in China[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2023,23(02):178-190.





The Impact of Farmers’ Perceptions of Climate Change on Insurance Purchase Behavior: Evidence from Peach Farmers in China
陈子豪 胡浩
南京农业大学 经济管理学院, 南京 210095
CHEN Zihao HU Hao
Meteorological RisksRisk ManagementRisk TransferPerception of Risk
Climate change and its accompanying meteorological risks seriously threaten weak agricultural industries. Based on the field survey data of six counties in Shandong, Anhui and Hubei provinces, the paper describes the farmers’ perception of meteorological change from the interannual scale and the small scale of growing links, and reveals the law of the influence of farmers’ meteorological risk perception on the behavior or intention of insurance selection. It is found that farmers’ perception of meteorological risk is the basis of climate change adaptation behavior and drives them to adopt financial instruments to transfer risks. Because the sensitivities of different growth links of peach trees to different meteorological factors were significantly different, the responses of different insurance choices to farmers’ meteorological risk perception showed heterogeneity: the selection probability and adoption intensity of peach planting insurance were all responsive to the change perception of inter-annual extreme weather events. The choice intention of crop yield insurance was responsive to the perception of precipitation change in the growing period, while the choice intention of weather index insurance was responsive to the perception of precipitation change in the picking period. However, all kinds of insurance options have not responded to the perception of inter-annual temperature or precipitation change, the perception of winter temperature rise, and the perception of the change of low temperature chilling injury in the fruit bearing period. Finally, it is suggested that the insurance companies, the government and the farmers need to improve the design of insurance products, the formulation of insurance subsidy policies and the popularization of climate change, so as to enhance the ability of the farmers to cope with climate change.


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