 XU Yuyun,TAN Yijia,LIU Xiaoxing.How Does Peer Effects Affect Farmers’ Productive Investment[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2024,24(04):160-173.





How Does Peer Effects Affect Farmers’ Productive Investment
许玉韫1 檀艺佳2 刘晓星2
1. 南京林业大学 经济管理学院, 南京 210037;
2. 东南大学 经济管理学院, 南京 211189
XU Yuyun1 TAN Yijia2 LIU Xiaoxing2
FarmersProductive InvestmentPeer EffectInformation TransmissionRisk Sharing
Improving productive investment of farmers is of great significance to promoting the prosperity of rural industries and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. Based on the panel data of China Household Finance Survey (CHFS) in 2015, 2017 and 2019, this paper uses a two-way fixed effect model to investigate how does the peer effect affects farmers’ productive investment. The research found that there is a peer effect in famers’ productive investment behavior, and the information transmission and risk sharing among residents in the same village are important mechanisms for the peer effect to play a role. Further analysis finds that when farmers’ productive investment is divided into agricultural investment and industrial and commercial investment, the peer effect mainly affects agricultural investment, and the level of regional financial development is an important condition for the peer effect to play a role. The analysis results in different subgroups show that the productive investment decisions of young people in the village have a demonstration effect, and the impact of education level is only a peer effect within the group. Therefore, improving the market information transmission mechanism, improving the agricultural investment risk protection mechanism, developing inclusive finance, broadening the investment and financing channels of farmers, and popularizing investment and financing knowledge for specific groups are effective means to improve farmers’ investment willingness and investment level.


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