 WANG Xiaoyi,LIU Qi.Driving Mechanisms and Path Choices for Urban-rural Integration[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2024,24(06):38-48.





Driving Mechanisms and Path Choices for Urban-rural Integration
王晓毅12 刘齐2
1. 中国社会科学院大学 社会与民族学院, 北京 102488;
2. 中国社会科学院 社会学研究所农村环境与社会研究中心, 北京 100732
WANG Xiaoyi12 LIU Qi2
Urban-rural RelationsUrban-rural IntegrationNew UrbanizationEqualization of Public Service
In the comprehensive implementation process of the rural revitalization strategy, China’s urban-rural relations have manifested in three distinctive patterns: the county-centered model, where population and resources are highly concentrated in county towns while rural areas experience widespread hollowing out; the interactive model, where urban and rural areas mutually exchange and integrate; and the service-oriented model, where service resources are extended to rural areas. The reason for the formation of different urban-rural relationship models is that the driving force behind peasant mobility has shifted from seeking employment opportunities to accessing public services. Peasants’ urban-rural mobility patterns have gradually transitioned from repetitive mobility between urban and rural areas to seeking stable lives in places where their demands for public services could be satisfied. Impacted by population density, geographic conditions, levels of economic development, and local cultures, the cost of public services and the government’s capacity to provide public services in different regions vary, which leads to different provision modes of public services, thereby influencing peasants’ choices of where to live and giving rise to different urban-rural relationship models. Understanding the diversity and changing dynamics of urban-rural relationship models is crucial for the integrated development of urban and rural areas, new urbanization, and rural revitalization in the new era.


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