 LI Bo,HE Zijuan,LI Zhuo.Organizational Reengineering: The Logic and Mechanism of the Construction of Rural Industrial Development Community[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2024,24(06):97-108.





Organizational Reengineering: The Logic and Mechanism of the Construction of Rural Industrial Development Community
李博1 贺子娟1 李卓2
1. 西安建筑科技大学 公共管理学院/西北乡村振兴研究中心, 西安 710055;
2. 西北农林科技大学 人文社会发展学院, 杨凌 712100
LI Bo1 HE Zijuan1 LI Zhuo2
Rural RevitalizationIndustrial RevitalizationIndustrial Development CommunityOrganizational Reengineering
Industrial revitalization forms the cornerstone of rural rejuvenation. This study draws from community theory, examining the industrial development organizational structure of Sweet Potato Town as its focal point. Through case analyses, it delineates the operational logic of rural industrial development communities and investigates the rationale and mechanisms behind the organizational reconfiguration of rural industrial growth, characterized by village collaboration, town-wide planning, and enterprise integration. The research reveals that national policy direction, the transformation of rural industrial development, and shared interest needs collectively facilitate the emergence of rural industrial development communities. The communities’ contribution to rural revitalization is primarily seen in the expansion of rural industrial units, the effective integration of modern enterprise management systems, and the efficient allocation of capital, technology, and talent. In the phase of rural revitalization, the flourishing of rural industrial development communities not only necessitates the nurturing and return of local expertise but also requires a market-oriented approach to continually broaden the scope for industrial expansion. Currently, the cultivation of rural industrial development communities is hindered by a cooperation dilemma stemming from the distinct characteristics and action logics of various entities. The shortage of talent, technology, and capital poses a significant factor dilemma, remaining a primary barrier to community development. In response, it is essential for the state to consider the roles and functions of diverse participants in rural industrial development communities when formulating supportive industrial policies, thereby providing a crucial organizational foundation for the revitalization of rural industries.


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