 QIAN Long,FENG Yonghui,LU Hua.Impact of Land Tenure Stability on Farmer’s Cultivated Land Quality Protection Behavior: Analysis Based on Adjustment Effect of the New Round Land Certification[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2021,21(02):104-115.





Impact of Land Tenure Stability on Farmer’s Cultivated Land Quality Protection Behavior: Analysis Based on Adjustment Effect of the New Round Land Certification
钱龙1 冯永辉2 卢华3
1. 南京财经大学 粮食和物资学院, 江苏 南京 210032;
2. 广西财经学院 校团委, 广西 南宁 530003;
3. 江西财经大学 生态文明研究院, 江西 南昌 330013
QIAN Long1 FENG Yonghui2 LU Hua3
Land Tenure StabilityBehavior of Arable Land Quality ProtectionLand CertificationExperience of Land AdjustmentAdjustment Effect
This paper takes the survey in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region as an example to examine the impact of land tenure stability on farmer’s cultivated land quality protection behavior and examines the regulatory effect of the new round of confirmation of land ownership right on land tenure stability and farmer behavior. The research results show that instability of land rights could significantly negatively affect farmers’ adoption of arable land quality protection measures and reduce the possibility of farmers adopting protective behaviors. The large-scale land adjustment experience during the second round of contracting could reduce the possibility of farmers applying organic fertilizer, and the small-scale land adjustment experience is not conducive to farmers’ adoption of straw return technology. Further research finds that the current new round land certification is playing a significant role in regulating the stability of land rights and the protection of farmer’s cultivated land quality. The determination of land rights for improving the security of property rights could weaken the stability of land rights. The subsample test, a test that uses an alternate variable and the Biprobit model test all confirm that the above findings are robust. In addition, with regard to the behavior of farmers returning straw to the field, it is found that there is a time lag effect in confirming the right to agricultural land. In view of the positive policy effects of the confirmation of land tenure, it will weaken the negative impact of the instability of land tenure in history. Therefore, it is necessary to take the new round of confirmation of land tenure as an opportunity to maintain long-term stability of land tenure and let the new round land certification effectively protect farmers’ land property rights and encourage farmers to actively protect arable land.


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基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年项目"农地确权、调整经历与农户耕地质量保护行为:机理与实证"(71803077);国家自然科学基金青年项目"农户异质性视角下农地流转和地权稳定与耕地休养行为研究"(71803071); 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目"农地确权对农户土壤保护性投资行为的影响研究:作用机制及调整经历的调节效应"(18YJC90128)
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01