 ZHENG Qingjie,GUO Lingyu.The Construction of Market Publicity in the Integration of Urban and Rural Areas in the County: Based on a Survey of E-commerce Industry in X Town, Cao County, Shandong Province[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2023,23(03):32-43.





The Construction of Market Publicity in the Integration of Urban and Rural Areas in the County: Based on a Survey of E-commerce Industry in X Town, Cao County, Shandong Province
郑庆杰 郭凌羽
赣南师范大学 社会发展研究中心, 赣州 341000
ZHENG Qingjie GUO Lingyu
Rural RevitalizationCounty AreaE-commerce IndustryMarket Publicity
To adhere to the comprehensive rural revitalization, the priority is to promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas. The foundation of rural revitalization is industrial revitalization. Analyzing the social attribute of market and its construction path is an important issue in developing county market and promoting the mutual integration andcommunication between urban and rural areas. This paper focuses on how market publicity can promote each participant to obtain development opportunities and realize spatial topology in industrial development, and explores the expansion and construction path of market to urban and rural interconnected social order. Based on the research on the market expansion of rural e-commerce industry, the following findings are made: the market constructs the production order through the aggregation of factors, the economic and social communication order through the division of labor and cooperation, and the public spiritual order through the participation in public life and the consensus of rules. The market promotes the formation of organic interaction and joint at multiple levels and the mutual benefit and inclusiveness of multiple action subjects. The market organically links the markets of villages, towns and counties to the whole country and even the whole world, forming a community in the modern sense. The influence of market construction, maintenance and expansion mechanism on the expansion of county governance order constantly promotes the opening, transformation and expansion of traditional rural communities. Therefore, the public mechanism of market expansion of social order gradually takes shape. Through the discussion of the public property of the market in the development of the e-commerce industry, this paper finds a way to promote the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, so as to help form a new situation of coordinated and integrated development of urban and rural areas.


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