 PENG Xiaobing,LUO Haoqi,SUN Jiabo.Positive Action Shaping: Field Construction Logic of Villager Autonomy System Based on A Case Study of A Village in G City[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2023,23(06):137-149.





Positive Action Shaping: Field Construction Logic of Villager Autonomy System Based on A Case Study of A Village in G City
彭小兵1 罗浩奇1 孙甲波2
1. 重庆大学 公共管理学院, 重庆 400044;
2. 中国海洋大学 国际事务与公共管理学院, 青岛 266100
PENG Xiaobing1 LUO Haoqi1 SUN Jiabo2
Villager AutonomySystem DomainRural GovernancePublic Participation
How the system of villager autonomy shapes the actions of villager autonomy actors is a critical issue in effective rural governance, requiring a deeper theoretical explanation. This paper employs system theory and domain theory, proposing an analytical framework of "system domain construction". It then examines the internal mechanism and practical logic of the villager autonomy system shaping village actors’ actions based on a case study of a village in G City. The findings suggest that the success of the villager autonomy system in shaping village actors hinges on the construction of the system domain. This cannot be achieved without the combination of regulatory, normative, and cognitive elements. The regulatory elements, such as specialized actors, supervision mechanisms, and external resources, imbue the field with an authority mechanism. The normative elements, including the interest relevance of the discussion content, the representativeness of the discussion subject, and the operability of the procedure, foster the feasibility mechanism of the field. The cognitive elements, such as physical space, script symbols, and role cognition, provide a rational mechanism for the field. The villager autonomy system primarily shapes village actors’ actions through the field mechanism, manifesting as the field habitus and capital of the self-governance system.


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