 YAO Liuyang,ZHAO Minjuan,XU Tao.Economic Rationality or Ecological Literacy? Logic of Peasant Households’ Soil Conservation Practices[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2016,16(05):86-95.





Economic Rationality or Ecological Literacy? Logic of Peasant Households’ Soil Conservation Practices
姚柳杨 赵敏娟 徐涛
西北农林科技大学 经济管理学院/应用经济研究中心, 陕西 杨凌 712100
YAO Liuyang ZHAO Minjuan XU Tao
Peasant households’ soil conservation practices are not just for short-term pecuniary benefits,but for maximizing the overall gains from the action,including a positive benefit obtained from the environment.Previous studies on farmers’ decision-making are highly based on economic rewards,but the effect of farmers’ ecological literacy should be further tested as well to obtain a whole-system thinking for policy design.The present study outlined the significance of ecological literacy and its influence on households’ soil conservation practices.With the use of structural equation modeling,it was found that the behavioral model,including ’economic rationality’ and ’ecological literacy’,fits the data well.Ecological literacy (including perceived knowledge,attitude and capability) is the most important factor driving peasant households’ overall conservation; the second most influential factor is the scale of operation; and economic rationality (including absolute,relative and marginal benefit) is of minimal influence.From this perspective,offering only economic incentives will not be sufficient for encouraging farmland protection,and the development of farmers’ ecological literacy should receive more attention in the economic studies of policy design.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2016-09-02