 LI Bowei,XU Xiang.Spatial Effect of Cultivation Agglomeration and Technology Supporter on the Adoption of New Agricultural Technology: Based on the Perspective of Social Network Analysis[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2018,18(01):124-136.





Spatial Effect of Cultivation Agglomeration and Technology Supporter on the Adoption of New Agricultural Technology: Based on the Perspective of Social Network Analysis
李博伟 徐翔
南京农业大学 经济管理学院, 江苏 南京 210095
LI Bowei XU Xiang
Through theoretical deduction, his paper argued that cultivation agglomeration and technology supporter can stimulate the study effect of social network and promote the dissemination of new technique information, resulting in the spatial effect on the adoption of new agricultural technology on the part of farming households. Taking microbial water transfer technology in the level of village as a research object, and using spatial Durbin Model to test spatial effect caused by cultivation agglomeration and technology supporter based on the survey data of households docked to village, the main research conclusions are:The technology input and mastering level of villagers show a significant difference and have a significantly positive correlation in adjacent villages; cultivation agglomeration can only promote the spread of new knowledge in this village and produce significant positive effect on the adoption of new agricultural technology in this village; public technology supporter embedded in the cultivation agglomeration can only promote the spread of new knowledge and produce significant positive effect on the adoption of new agricultural technology in this village; profit technology supporter embedded in the cultivation agglomeration can promote the spread of new knowledge in this and adjacent villages and enable information to produce significant spatial direct and indirect effect on the adoption of new agricultural technology.


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