 HUANG Chengwei.On the Internal Logic and Theoretical Issues of Rural Revitalization and Common Prosperity[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2021,21(06):1-9.





On the Internal Logic and Theoretical Issues of Rural Revitalization and Common Prosperity
国家乡村振兴局 中国扶贫发展中心, 北京 100028
HUANG Chengwei
Poverty AlleviationRural RevitalizationCommon ProsperityTheoretical Issues
The great achievements of poverty alleviation have laid a solid foundation for common prosperity. To consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively link up them with rural revitalization and promote high-quality rural revitalization to promote common prosperity is a historic task of building a modern socialist country. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to deeply understand and accurately grasp the internal logical relationship between rural revitalization and common prosperity and strengthen the research on relevant theoretical issues. This paper summarizes the discussions on the relationship between poverty alleviation, rural revitalization and common prosperity, expounds the internal logic of rural revitalization and common prosperity from four aspects of theory, history, reality and international, and puts forward theoretical issues that need a strengthened exploration around high-quality rural revitalization to promote common prosperity. The aim is to provide reference for further strengthening the theoretical and practical research of rural revitalization and common prosperity.


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