 ZHANG Chen,ZHANG Zhengyan,MA Biao.How to Promote the Social Integration of Displaced Households in Poverty Alleviation Resettlement Program: An Analysis Based on the Perspective of Social Distance[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2022,22(06):90-101.





How to Promote the Social Integration of Displaced Households in Poverty Alleviation Resettlement Program: An Analysis Based on the Perspective of Social Distance
张晨1 张正岩2 马彪3
1. 西北农林科技大学 经济管理学院, 陕西 杨凌 712100;
2. 中国人民大学 农业与农村发展学院, 北京 100872;
3. 首都经济贸易大学 金融学院, 北京 100070
ZHANG Chen1 ZHANG Zhengyan2 MA Biao3
Poverty Alleviation Resettlement ProgramSocial IntegrationSocial DistanceHeterogeneity Analysis
Based on the micro-survey data of displaced households in poverty alleviation resettlement program in 16 counties in 8 provinces in 2019, this paper analyzed the impact of social distance on the social integration of displaced households theoretically and empirically. The research results showed that social distance is an important factor affecting the degree of social integration of displaced households in the place where they move in. Physical distance, psychological distance, and the degree of prejudice all have a significant negative impact on social integration, and the results are relatively stable; social distance has a significant impact on social integration. There is a certain heterogeneity in the impact of different resettlement methods and resettlement locations, and the increase of social distance has a greater hindering effect on social integration for scattered resettlement households and urban resettlement households. Therefore, to improve social integration, it is necessary to continuously promote the communication and interaction between the displaced households and the original residents, and promote the effective communication between the relocated households and the original residents by holding cultural and recreational activities, blind date activities, etc., and eliminate the psychological barrier between the displaced households and the original residents. In addition, efforts should be made to create a fair and just living environment for the displaced households, to eliminate the discrimination and prejudice of the original residents after the relocation as much as possible, and to avoid conflicts between the two parties due to disputes over interests.


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