 GAO Yang,XU Jiayu,CHAI Gongjing.Rural Low-income Population Assistance for Common Prosperity: Governance Transformation and Path Selection[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2023,23(03):63-72.





Rural Low-income Population Assistance for Common Prosperity: Governance Transformation and Path Selection
高杨1 徐加玉2 柴恭静3
1. 山东大学 哲学与社会发展学院, 济南 250011;
2. 山东农业大学 公共管理学院, 泰安 271018;
3. 天津市东丽区农业农村发展服务中心, 天津 300300
GAO Yang1 XU Jiayu2 CHAI Gongjing3
Rural Low-income PopulationCommon ProsperityGovernance Transformation
Having eliminated absolute poverty, addressing the issue of low income in rural areas has become an important topic of rural social governance in the new stage of common prosperity, and helping the rural low-income population is an important way to promote common prosperity. Compared with absolute poverty, the rural low-income problem has the characteristics of relativity and multi-dimension. It emphasizes more normality and differentiation in helping the rural low-income population, which has new requirements on the governance model. It emphasizes the introduction of diversified helping forces in the governance body, and emphasizes the transition from movement governance to routine governance in the governance strategy. Based on this, this study proposes to build a normal support mechanism for rural low-income population, strengthen the effective connection between the normal support for rural low-income population and the rural revitalization strategy at the strategic level, and thoroughly solve the endogenous development dilemma of rural low-income population by relying on the urbanization carried by the county seat to accelerate the integrated development of urban and rural areas. At the governance subject level, the responsibilities and obligations of individuals, government and society in the three distributions should be properly handled, and a normal support mechanism of multi-subject collaborative governance should be established. At the level of policy setting, the rural low-income population is classified according to the characteristics of the group, and the multi-dimensional measurement standard system such as income index and labor ability is determined to formulate differentiated assistance policies.


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