 LIANG Haibing,YAO Renfu.Possibility and Limit of Farmers’ Cooperatives Empowering Smallholders to Increase Their Income: Insights from Getting Rid of Poverty to Becoming Rich[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2023,23(06):40-52.





Possibility and Limit of Farmers’ Cooperatives Empowering Smallholders to Increase Their Income: Insights from Getting Rid of Poverty to Becoming Rich
梁海兵 姚仁福
兰州大学 经济学院, 兰州 730000
LIANG Haibing YAO Renfu
Common ProsperityFarmer’s CooperativesSmallholdersEffect of Increasing Income
The construction of farmers’ cooperative systems is an important means to promote the organic connection between smallholders and modern agriculture, playing a crucial role in reshaping the dual relationship between "smallholders and large market" and "small production and socialized large production". This paper establishes a theoretical model that integrates smallholders and farmers’ cooperatives to analyze how farmers’ cooperatives can enable smallholders to achieve higher earnings through optimal allocation of production factors. Based on identifying the impact of income increase through farmers’ cooperatives, it further demonstrates the limitations of farmers’ cooperatives in enabling smallholders to increase their income from two perspectives of poverty eradication and common prosperity. The results indicate that:(1) farmers’ cooperatives play a significant role in promoting smallholders’ income, but the effect of income increase has certain limits, namely, farmers’ cooperatives have an effective role in achieving poverty alleviation and preventing poverty from returning, but they are not sufficient to promote smallholders to achieve common prosperity. (2) Small farmers face difficulty in obtaining value-added income from farmers’ cooperatives. They can only obtain stable land factor income and labor factor income through land transfer and labor time redistribution; (3) More income is intercepted by the cooperatives, leading to unreasonable profit sharing order within the farmers’ cooperatives. Therefore, farmers’ cooperatives cannot cope with unequal income opportunities for farmers, which is the internal reason why farmers’ cooperatives can only empower smallholders to achieve limited income.


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