 MAO Chunmei,YAO Qing.Differential Embedment and Governance Empowerment of Local Government to Promote Rural Industry Revitalization: Based on Longitudinal Observation of the Houshan Dendrobium Industry[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2025,25(01):92-103.





Differential Embedment and Governance Empowerment of Local Government to Promote Rural Industry Revitalization: Based on Longitudinal Observation of the Houshan Dendrobium Industry
毛春梅 姚清
河海大学 公共管理学院, 南京 211100
MAO Chunmei YAO Qing
Local GovernmentIndustrial RevitalizationHierarchical EmbeddingGovernance EmpowermentEndogenous Development
In the execution of the rural revitalization strategy, local governments are continually innovating their governance models. Drawing on the theories of embeddedness and empowerment, this paper establishes an analytical framework termed "Hierarchical Embeddedness-Governance Empowerment" and undertakes a longitudinal study of the development trajectory of the Houshan Dendrobium industry. The aim is to examine the strategies by which local governments facilitate the revitalization of rural industries. The research reveals that in the realm of rural revitalization, local governments employ distinct embedding and empowerment models tailored to the developmental constraints of each industry, thereby fostering industrial rejuvenation. In the challenging initial phase of industry development, where resources are scarce, local governments implement an institutional embedding combined with technological empowerment model for industrial revitalization. This approach integrates resources in a task-oriented manner to stimulate the endogenous growth of rural industries. As industries enter a phase of scale expansion, confronted with the issue of limited growth, local governments transition to a relational embedding plus factor empowerment model. This leverages rural social networks to advance the scale and standardization of rural industries and to boost farmers’ participation in industrial development. During the adaptive phase of industry, when facing fierce internal and external competition, local governments adopt a capital embedding combined with brand empowerment model for rural industrial revitalization. This involves attracting industrial capital to facilitate the establishment of rural industrial brands and product upgrades, ultimately fostering synergy among the internal and external stakeholders of rural areas and the growth of the tertiary industry. The succinct embeddedness-empowerment model presented in this article for local government’s assistance in rural industrial revitalization holds significant relevance for further bolstering the developmental capacity of rural industries and advancing rural revitalization.


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