 CHEN Xuejing,FANG Shumin.Toward Super-local Action: The Construction of Actor-network in Rural Industries and Its Negotiation Mechanism: Based on the Field Study of the “Xiao Shan Tea” Project in Z Community, Xundian,Yunnan Province[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2025,25(01):128-141.





Toward Super-local Action: The Construction of Actor-network in Rural Industries and Its Negotiation Mechanism: Based on the Field Study of the “Xiao Shan Tea” Project in Z Community, Xundian,Yunnan Province
陈雪婧1 方淑敏2
1. 西北农林科技大学 人文社会发展学院, 杨凌 712100;
2. 华东师范大学 社会发展学院, 上海 200241
CHEN Xuejing1 FANG Shumin2
Rural IndustryActor NetworkNegotiation PracticeHyper-local Action
With the progression of urban-rural integration and the community mobility characteristic of modernity, the development model of rural industry is evolving from the local to the hyper-local. This paper, based on a field investigation of the "Xiaoshan Tea" project in the Z Community of Xundian, Yunnan Province, employs the actor-network theory and the "actor-translation-network" analytical framework. It first examines the relational structure of rural industry’s hyper-local actors, including local residents, higher-level government, market players, external universities, and other key stakeholders. Secondly, it delves into the process of multi-subject translation negotiation, identifying four stages in the networking of hyper-local actors: focusing on industrial development issues, coordinating and integrating diverse interests, enlisting and connecting development agents, and mobilizing and engaging in negotiation actions. Finally, the paper discusses the integration mechanisms of the actor network in rural industry, including a demand-oriented endogenous drive mechanism, a consultative institutional guarantee mechanism, and a resource-sharing network connection mechanism. These elements collectively form the operational logic of the network, culminating in the creation of a rural industry’s hyper-local actor network that fosters internal and external symbiosis.


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