 PU Mingzhe,ZHENG Fengtian,FU Jinhua.Rural Migrants’ Self-employment Cluster in Urban China: From Perspective of Entrepreneur-ial Self-efficacy[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science),2016,16(06):61-76.





Rural Migrants’ Self-employment Cluster in Urban China: From Perspective of Entrepreneur-ial Self-efficacy
普蓂喆1 郑风田1 傅晋华2
1. 中国人民大学 农业与农村发展学院, 北京 100872;
2. 中国科学技术发展战略研究院, 北京 100038
PU Mingzhe1 ZHENG Fengtian1 FU Jinhua2
Most rural migrants’ self-employment activities in urban China are featured by clustering. Most previous researches gave explanations from the perspective of social networks and seldom took individual initiatives into account. Based on the printing and copying industry in Xinhua, Hunan Province, this paper analyzed the influence of entrepreneurial self-efficacy of rural migrants, which was measured by innovation management, resources acquisition, opportunity identification and risk management, on self -employment intentions, and then discussed the role of entrepreneurial self-efficacy in the formation of self-employment cluster phenomenon. Empirical results showed that the ability of resource acquisition and risk management had positive relationships with self-employment intentions. However, innovation management and opportunity identification were not significant. On the one hand, the strong risk man-agement ability helped overcome potential risks and the strong ability to obtain effective resources from social networks promoted rural migrants’ self-employment behaviors. On the other hand, poor innova-tion management capability limited rural migrants to low-entry-barriers self-employment projects. They ran small business by copying or imitation, which strengthened social network homogeneity and industry homogeneity. Those were responsible for the formation of self-employment cluster phenomenon. Due to lack of innovation and ability to identify new opportunities, rural migrants were difficult to venture out of path dependence and inherent business models. As a result, self-employment cluster gradually fell into the low-level locking ‘trap’.


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